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Life according to Lord Martin

I have now surpassed the twelfth day of my rein and I have to admit that all is going superbly successfully. The main issues that I mentioned last time have all been resolved and the tank has been turned from a hostile land into a fat beautiful land. All this was achieved due to my natural aptitude as the chosen leader of Tepaitank. Sadly, there are a few negative items to report. I decree that it is best to start with these.

The first issue has been the mysterious death of our beloved teacher. She became induced by a bacterial infection and though we prayed to the Gods to save her, these requests remained unanswered, as the gods merely walked on past, ignoring her plight. For this reason we have all started looking around Tepaitank for a suitable Remorial to Education. Without her I have taken it upon myself to keep educating the unfortunate souls who are born without wisdom. I do believe that some of her most able students have not taken her death well. One has dropped from being the best to well, moderate at the most. He's a Senior-Fry, Matthew, Mark or Michael, I don't quite remember his name though he's thought to be educated well in the social-sciences. He was claiming that the Gods were not really Gods at all. If I remember his words correctly, he supposed they were "another, different type of living animal who are in fact arrogant captors of us; naturally free fish. As such these cruel keepers should be punished."

Well, I have never heard such blasphemy before! I was shocked, so shocked that pure emotion. Sheer anger ruled my mind for the following moments as I mauled the mischievant with malice.

Once my blood had cooled and I had regained my consciousness. The classroom slowly opening up from the red tunnel of rage, softening slowly till just a black shroud surrounded my eyes, which was thankfully quick to dissipate. There before me was a badly injured fish, marked by teeth all over. His class mates; all mouths agog, stared aghast at me. I too hovered over this young-fry's body, before one of my body guards reminded me of who I am, asking for my permission to take him to the sick room.

Of course, my state of mind rapidly returned to normal and I had almost forgotten about this infortunate incident when we were about to dismiss. It was only when my bodyguard returned that I realized I had other issues to deal with and may soon have to replace myself. Once that time occurs, those assembled in front of me would no longer benefit from my Divine instruction. I invited them to stay longer, an offer not a single fry refused.

This extra class time I allocated to answering the unexplainable, of which there had been many instances since The Event. The first problem had been with the strength of the current in our new home. Well, just this week that subsided, so my explanation was simple. The Event caused these turbulent torrents, they were mere aftershocks from the earthquake or water rushing back from where it came from the Tsunami. Then they asked why the ground has changed and water is so much thicker. Well, these I naturally attributed to the new environment, although I must confess, I am not so sure about the water being different anymore. I know that when we first arrived it had a funny taste that some could not adjust to, and most definitely it became more acidic so harder to breathe. Now I am not quite sure whether it has improved in quality, or we have just adjusted to it?

Right then and there, whilst contemplating the water-problem I solved the sun-issue. I still receive complaint that the sun no longer burns a yellow light, instead it is closer to blue. This some claim proves that we were not survivors of The Event. A flash of inspiration solved this on the spot, I proposed a new solution, that the sun has always been that colour. Their memories are not 100% reliable, but we know logically that the sun could not just change colour so rapidly. Henceforth, it must be the former and not the later at fault. At first, the fry were reluctant to accept this new theory, but my faithful body guards applauded so strenuously that the others soon caught up. All in the room had gone white-with-shock. I attributed this to their stupidity in thinking that the sun would not remain constant!

During this undulant clapping I began to feel myself distancing, being drawn from the crowd. I was experiencing another revelation. Seeing how quickly this educated crowd accepted my word, it occurred to myself that it would be best to remain in charge of educating them for their whole lives. This is the only way to make sure that such hearsay as, 'God not existing', can be prevented from becoming common, and ensuring that my Divine knowledge is passed as effectively as possible to the fry.

After class had been dismissed, the rapturous applause was still filling my ears whilst I swam around my tank buzzing from such a tremendous brain-wave as my education policy. It prevented me from thinking up new strategies. Instead I focused on introducing Adult-ReEducation. I mean, surely the elders have as much right to the latest information as the fry do? In such a trance, my freed mind was able to look down at my subjects as an observer. From this perspective came wondrous confirmation of how brilliant the original plan was, whilst de-necessitising the adult reforms. I watched a Fryshman educating his father during their evening swim round my tank.

By focusing my energies on the young I can benefit all, how absolutely tremendous!

Immediately I began my memoirs. In future, these documents, of which you are lucky enough to read, will become the sole educational text for Tepaitank, spanning all: History, Philosophy, Science and Religion.

I am Lord Martin, Divine ruler of Tepaitank, Sole-Confishdente of Himself, Fair and Just Defender of Morality and Law, Your Beloved Leader.

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